SafeWaste lid latches are a simple and effective solution to ensuring curb side recycling and waste doesn’t end up in the environment, and especially our waterways.
In the windiest city in the world, Wellington, New Zealand – a study showed that almost 10 tons of plastic waste ended up in Wellington harbour annually, as a result of lost trash, with a large amount of this estimated to have come from trash spilt from wheelie bins that had blown open or tipped over while curb side.
The latch’s simple but effective design means they are cost effective to purchase and install, keep a preventable source of trash out of the environment and make it simple for people to make a tangible difference to the environment
Improved environmental outcomes
Reduces lost trash from wheeled carts bins by up to 100%
100% recyclable
Can be left latched curb side as automatically opens when inverted by waste collection truck
Stops trash and recycling entering the environment
Stops animals and birds from accessing contents
Reduces potetnial exposure to hazadous trash such as used COVID -19 PPE and face masks
Socially responsible
Easily identifiable – show you care about the environment, latch it
Keeps others safe from potentially harmful spilt trash
Makes doing your part for the environment simple, quick and easy
Stops trash and recycling from littering your neighbourhood
Easy to use
Quick and easy to install and use
Low cost high value
Latch or unlatch in a second
“I have installed and used these on several carts and each clip will provide you with years of no worry no maintenance and peace of mind. Even if you don’t know you want or need one of these, trust me, you will be glad you got one. I am just a very satisfied customer and have no connection or affiliation with SAFEWASTE. I am just a happy person trying to encourage everyone to get one of these for themselves and their neighbors so that we can help keep your neighborhoods clean !! ”