SafeWaste lid latches can show the world you really care about your environmental outcomes.
From ensuring all company waste and recycling is latched curb side, improving environmental and neighbourhood outcomes associated with the company to utilising custom branding to offer company branded latches as part of environmental initiatives for company give-away and branding opportunities.
SafeWaste is a small but tangible action corporations can take the lead on, reaching a wide range of people, at volume that delivers socially positive branding on a daily basis.
High impact
Show customers you care about the health of their neighbourhoods and the planet
High perceived social and environmental impact
Can be used as part of wider promotion and initiatives
100% recyclable
Cost effective
Low cost per unit
Can be installed by the end user
Useful product give-away with point of difference
Branding opportunity
Custom branded with company logo
Branding will be seen daily and for 10 years or more
Simple and effective